Symptoms of acanthamoeba keratitis include a sensation of having something in the eye, watery eyes, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, swelling of the upper eyelid and extreme pain. 感染棘阿米巴角膜炎的人会感到眼镜有异物感,湿润感,视线模糊,对光线非常敏感。上眼睑肿大并伴有极度的疼痛。
Further research maybe able to explain the sensitivity to light in terms of the type of blindness of the subject. 以后的研究也许会根据参与者眼盲的分类来解释对光的敏感性。
Sensitivity to pain, light, heat 对疼痛、光、热的敏感
Migraines are a type of painful headache commonly accompanied by nausea, vomiting and heightened sensitivity to light and sound. 偏头痛是一种常伴有恶心,呕吐及对光线、声音敏感的严重头痛。
Further research may be able to explain this sensitivity to light in terms of the type of blindness of the subject. 或许更深一步的研究能解释就不同类型的盲人,他们对光的敏感性。
Some patients develop neck stiffness, sensitivity to light, loss of appetite and vomiting; in these patients the disease, in its early stages, may be mistaken for meningitis. 一些患者出现脖子僵硬、畏光、食欲减退和呕吐症状;这些人在发病初期可能会被误诊为脑膜炎患者。
Genus of spiny woody shrubs or trees; named for their apparent imitation of animal sensitivity to light and heat and movement. 多刺的木质灌木或乔木属;以和动物相似的对于光和热和运动的敏感性的外型命名。
The most common symptoms are stiff neck, high fever, sensitivity to light, confusion, headache and vomiting. 最常见症状为颈部僵硬、高烧、对光敏感、精神错乱、头痛和呕吐。
What they observed was a dramatic behavioral change that probed the mice had regained their sensitivity to light. 他们所观察到的行为上的巨大改变证实了这些老鼠又重新获得了感知光线的能力。
The injured brain fires at lower stimuli, resulting in increased sensitivity to light and noise, as well as pain amplification. 在较低的刺激脑损伤火灾,造成敏感性增加光线和噪音,以及疼痛放大。
The headaches are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. 头痛经常伴有恶心、呕吐和对光与声音敏感。
Symptoms of meningitis include headache, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, and sensitivity to light. 脑膜炎的症状包括头痛,发热,寒战,恶心,呕吐,颈项强直,畏光。
Depending on the severity, the pain can be accompanied by nausea and vision problems, plus extreme sensitivity to light and sound. 根据严重程度不同,这种疼痛也可能伴随着反胃现象与视觉问题,以及对光线和声音极度敏感。
ASA: Short for American Standards Association, but use as a speed rating system for the sensitivity of photographic materials to light. The light the number, the faster the speed of the film. ASA:是美国标准协会的英文缩写,用作定照相材料的感光速度等级。数字越高,感光速度越快。
For technique, the BC junction should be shallow junction diffusion to enhance the sensitivity to light. 工艺上要使BC结为浅结扩散,以增强检测波长光的敏感性。
A Study on the Combined Effects of Temperature and Light on the Development of Wheat Cultivars ⅰ. Analysis of Maximum and Minimum Seedling-Heading Stages and Sensitivity to Temperature and Light 温光互作对不同生态型小麦品种发育效应的研究Ⅰ.品种最长、最短苗穗期及温光敏感性分析
The integral sensitivity of this thin film to visible light is all lost when it is exposed to the air, but its quantum yield under the action of laser pulses with 1.06 μ m wavelength is not lower than that which is not exposed to the air. 这种薄膜经历暴露大气后,可见光的积分灵敏度全部损失,但在1.06μm激光作用下恢复,光电量子产额不比未暴露大气的样品低。
Adaptive region-based complexion re-extraction algorithm reduces the sensitivity of complexion model to the light conditions, thus ameliorating the common deficiencies existing in all complexion-model-based detection algorithms, namely light-sensitive, so as to reduce the rate of detection failure. 基于区域生长的肤色再提取自适应算法则降低了肤色模型对光照条件的敏感性,从而改进了所有基于肤色的检测算法共有的缺点,即对光照敏感,降低了漏检率。
The special feature of "being more sensitivity to light elements" decides that the micro-and trace analysis of chemical elements and the determination of low-Z elements on silicon wafer in semiconductor industry are the most potential applications of the technology. “对轻元素特别灵敏”的特点决定了GEXRF的应用领域将主要集中在化学元素微量和痕量分析以及半导体工业中Si薄膜表面轻元素检测等方面。
Circadian photoreceptors are functionally characterized by the direct sensitivity to light with broad spectrum and the relatively high stability. 昼夜光感受器具有直接、广谱和稳定感受昼夜光变化的功能特点。
This kind of communication of the retina cells can improve the sensitivity of the retina, and adapt to the dim light environment at the bottom of a shallow sea. 视网膜细胞这种形态组合有利于提高视网膜对光的敏感性,与黑鲷生存的浅海底层弱光环境相适应。
The effects of zinc deficiency on the sensitivity of rat to light and electricity, and the mechanism involved were studied. 目的:研究缺锌对大鼠光和电敏感性的影响及其可能的机制。
The angle signal of the dumbbell ball torsion is magnified using light lever. In order to enhance the sensitivity and accuracy, CCD is used to probe the light signal spot. 采用光杠杆对哑铃球扭转的角度信号进行放大,由CCD对光点位置信号进行探测,以提高分析仪灵敏度和精度;
The material characteristics of the glass itself, particularly its sensitivity to light and the transparence of itself determines its performance in space is different from other categories. It has a new research point in the spatial connotation. 玻璃自身的材质特点,特别是它对光线的敏感与自体的通透决定了它在空间表现上有别与其它门类,在空间性的内涵上,具有新研究点。
The Biological characteristics including heat stability, storage condition, sensitivity to chloroform and UV light were studied. 对噬藻体的热稳定性、储存条件、对氯仿和紫外线的敏感性等生物学特性进行了研究。
Dye-sensitized solar cells ( DSSCs) have attracted considerable attention from many research institutes, due to their low cost, facile fabrication process, relatively high conversion efficiency and lower sensitivity to light angle of incidence compared to the conventional silicon solar cells. 染料敏化太阳电池(Dye-sensitizedsolarcells,DSSCs)因其和传统太阳电池相比,有着成本低、工艺过程简单、转换效率较高和对入射光的角度敏感度低等优点,成为国内外学者研究的热点。
And the performance of most conversion modules developed independently is constrained, such as low responding speed and bandwidth though able to respond to low frequency signal with high sensitivity, while higher bandwidth but with limited sensitivity and unable to make weak light detection. 如能响应低频信号且灵敏度较高的,其响应速度和带宽较低;或者带宽、速度较高的,其灵敏度有限,无法用于弱光探测。
Oxidation products of caffeic acid are stable in the light relatively and have a stronger heat resistance; Oxidation products of ferulic acid are poor thermal stability and sensitivity to light, and should be stored in cool and dark condition. 咖啡酸氧化产物具有较强的热稳定性,对光不敏感;阿魏酸氧化产物热稳定性差,对光敏感,应低温避光保存。
It is interesting that overexpression of LeZE enhances the sensitivity of tomato PSII photoinhibition to high light and chilling stress. However, the depletion of LeZE was helpful in alleviating the photoinhibition of tomato plants under low temperature and affected the colour of tomato mature flowers. 过量表达该基因可增强番茄植株对光抑制的敏感性,而抑制该基因表达可减轻番茄植株在低温弱光胁迫下的光抑制程度,影响番茄花的颜色。